Online Therapy and Counseling Services
Creative Connections Counseling recognizes that there are situations in which clients do not have access to our offices. Some people may live outside of Saint Cloud, some may have small children that cannot be supervised in session; some may not have adequate transportation some may not be seen during business hours. Sometimes, online therapy is JUST EASIER.
Our online therapy and counseling services (also know as telehealth) is video-based platform that is user-friendly and available for clients aged 16 and above. Our video platform can be used on any device, including mobile phones, is secure, and meets all HIPAA requirements.
Complete Questionnaire
Receive email with 3 available times
Respond to email within 1-2 days to confirm appointment time
Attend Appointment using link sent by email
Most insurance covers telehealth.
We welcome and encourage you to complete the Questionnaire to start Online Therapy